Kopul Rosen #3: More Lies From Rabbi Tuvia Bolton

The publication of Rabbi Jeremy Rosen’s exposé of Chabad’s twisting and exaggeration of his father’s story has drawn a lot of attention inside Chabad. And the author of Chabad’s most deceitful version, Rabbi Tuvia Bolton of Kfar Chabad, Israel, has taken to promising at least some readers that he would correct and update his version. One such reader emailed me with a link to Rabbi Bolton’s "correction," which turns out to be an edited version of the story that replaces Rabbi Kopul Rosen’s name with the anonymous "Rabbi J.," and that keeps many of the lies of the original version intact. And, Rabbi Bolton nowhere mentions his errors or publicly apologizes for lying about Rabbi Rosen’s relationship with the Rebbe, and his passing.

How can anyone trust anything Chabad publishes or says when its rabbis lie like this?

[Hat tip: Shoshana.]

[Here’s a PDF of Rabbi Bolton’s "corrected" version: Download tuvia_bolton.pdf


UPDATE: Rabbi Ariel Sokolovsky has kindly forwarded Rabbi Bolton’s weekly parsha hashavua email, in which Rabbi Bolton ‘apologizes’ and promises to post a "revised" version on his website’s archives:

[sic] I have been informed that some of the details of last week’s (Parshat Yisro)

story are incorrect.  Mainly that, unlike what I wrote, Rabbi Kopol [sic] Rosen’s
relation to Chabad in fact had always been positive. My appologies.  A
edition will be published in our archives.

That "revised edition" contains the lies noted immediately above.


Filed under Chabad History, Chabad Theology

12 responses to “Kopul Rosen #3: More Lies From Rabbi Tuvia Bolton

  1. B”H
    Shalom everyone!
    Rabbi Bolton included this on top of his email for current parsha Mishpotim:
    I have been informed that some of the details of last week’s (Parshat

    story are incorrect. Mainly that, unlike what I wrote, Rabbi Kopol
    relation to Chabad in fact had always been positive. My appologies. A
    edition will be published in our archives.

    Have a good Shabbos everybody!

  2. Shoshana

    Then we can only assume that his leaving in all the references to R’ Rosen’s disliking and hating Chabad was unintentional. Someone should point it out to R’ Bolton so he can fix his mistakes.

    I notice he also removed the reference to hatred being akin to cancer cells (though left in that egotism is one of these “extra” characteristics that can be removed by the truth of the Tanya). Why did he remove that? Does anyone think that he originally meant to imply that hatred had led to the disease process?

    Of course, he has completely ignored the fact that so many other details of the story were wrong.

  3. Snag

    Ariel Sokolovsky is as much a rabbi as Madonna is.

    I would have thought that this of all websites would appreciate that fact.

  4. Anonymous

    they got smicha from the same people chabad

  5. martin

    Madonna got smicha?

  6. ‘Rabbi’ Bolton is really not a good example of Chabad Rabbis – anyone who knows him or has personal dealing with him knows – he gets his chius from the Sitra Achra. (my personal opinion)

  7. B”H
    I met Rabbi Bolton while he was in Boston few years ago and in 770 a year ago. He seems to be very sencere and dedicated person.

  8. Shoshana

    I have no doubt he is sincere and dedicated. That doesn’t mean he’s not living in fantasyland, so absolutely devoted to his belief system that he can’t even examine the possibility that the substance of this miracle story might not be accurate.

  9. Anonymous

    what you didnt know madona is a kabalist

  10. Dovid

    Max, I object to the way you refer to Rabbi Bolton, he is a baal tshuvah through one of the kindest and wisest person I had the zchus of knowing, Rabbi Yitzchak Meir Kagen ZT”L. (Rabbi Kagen once remarked: “Tuvia Bolton is my ticket to Gan-Eden…”). Since then, has dedicated his life to reaching out to all Jews regardless of affiliation. To claim that he gets his strength from sitra achra is beyond obscene.

  11. Dover Eimes Bilvavoy.

    Ariel Sokolovsky is as much a rabbi as Madonna is.
    I would have thought that this of all websites would appreciate that fact.

    in fact , madonna would be a better and more genuine rabbi , as she evidently is attempting to move away from her avoida zoreh’s roots towards a semblance of Noahism; whereas Mr Ariel seems to be moving the other way around !

  12. Dovid

    Got to agree with Dover Emes about Ariel, nobody that is more of a cult member then he is!

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