Why Olmert Must Go Immediately

A couple of days ago, Ari Shavit wrote a blistering article in Ha’aretz calling for Olmert to step down immediately:

If Olmert runs away now from the war he initiated, he will not be able to remain prime minister for even one more day. Chutzpah has its limits. You cannot lead an entire nation to war promising victory, produce humiliating defeat and remain in power. You cannot bury 120 Israelis in cemeteries, keep a million Israelis in shelters for a month, wear down deterrent power, bring the next war very close, and then say – oops, I made a mistake. That was not the intention. Pass me a cigar, please. …

[T]he day Nasrallah comes out of his bunker and declares victory to the whole world, Olmert must not be in the prime minister’s office. Post-war battered and bleeding Israel needs a new start and a new leader. It needs a real prime minister.

As Israel bumbles forward under the unsteady had of Olmert & Co., now about 24 hours to the Un-sponsored ceasefire, Ynet reports the Arab world has awakened to a new possibility – the total defeat and destruction of Israel. And Hezbollah is declaring victory and has a message for us, as well:

[Ahmed Barakat, a member of Hizbullah’s central council] further stated that none of the Hizbullah leadership was hurt and that the organization retains plenty of rockets and other ‘surprises’ for use the day after victory. He declared that the inventory would allow the organization to operate from afar and doesn’t require proximity to the Israeli border.

Olmert’s government is perhaps the greatest disaster to befall the Jewish people since the Shoah. Let us hope and pray that Olmert & Co. can somehow grow up in time to repair the damage they have done. If not, it is incumbent on the Knesset to force a no confidence motion and bring Olmert down. There is no time left to waste.


Filed under Current Affairs, Israel, Jewish Leadership

47 responses to “Why Olmert Must Go Immediately

  1. Neo-Conservaguy

    Shavua Tov. Nothing like a little hyperbole to start the week off well. I’m just kidding of course – about the “little”.

    When we start believing Chiz b’Allah propaganda, we’re truly done. So, don’t.

  2. Paul Freedman

    I disagree. There is some solace in that Hezbollah apparently believes that it will have (at least temporarily) to act at some distance from the border, but no, imo, this is the most disgraceful, incompetent, and tragic failure of leadership since the State of Israel began. Never before, ever, has a government started a war by lying to itself, and then attempted to end it by lyaing to the Israeli public. Never before has a government of Israel bluffed about commiting its armed forces to a conflict and then treated them like some kind of military-diplomatic water ballet. Never before has a government of Israel engaged at the last minute in a psuedo miilitary campaign, advancing in territory not because it intended to secure this territory but to give the illusion of having done something precisely because it knew the UN would kick its soldiers out.

    Shoah? Well, no, nevertheless:

    Wars are not manuevers or games. A leadership that has not prepared for a war entered into on a mistaken strategic “conceptia” and cannot correct its course–that issues phony declarations of victory and phony timetables of success, that tells the nation huddled in its bombshelters that the army will achieve its goals yesterday, no today, no next week, no two weeks, no two months from no, no as soon as the UN arrives; a government that declares publicly and repeatedly that it will not end its military struggle until prisoners are returned or Hezbollah is disarmed and then sends these declarations into the memory-hole to be replaced by prattling about its displomatic success, having, wonder of wonders, miracle of miracles, actually sent its soldiers into battle dofka to make the “international community” and not its own armed might the wards of Israel’s northern frontiers; such a government has already ceased to exist as a government of Israel.

  3. avrohom

    Thank you Paul!

    It all began with the goyishe concept of “concessions for peace” and all that you wrote follows. IT is frightening what is happening. Deterrence has been completely shattered. This Omert livni perets are the worse disaster israel got. And they got from the “disengagment” mentality that the whole population bought. This idol was now shattered. Shame that somany lives had to be lost for this and shame that these lives are not worth zilch for olmert and Co

    The question will be: How long will this dangerous goverment remain in office. Every say they are in power is a danger for israel.

  4. Jerome Soller

    Avrohom, Paul, and Shmarya,
    We all agree on this one. Olmert has no regards for the health or morale of the IDF soldiers, and was using them as pawns in a game he did not attempt to win. He lost a war that Israel should have won (a loss is defined as leaving HizbAllah left as a player in Lebanon – anything less was a failure). I hope he is removed as soon as possible. He is the weakest leader Israel has seen in the last twenty years. He was more concerned with using the military to remove “settlers”than he was to use it against HizbAllah (in an effective way). If the allies fought WWII like this, Europe would be still ruled by nazis and there would be no living Jews left in Europe. May Hashem and the people of Israel remove him soon from power and prevent another disengagement to further empower the enemies of Israel.


  5. Anonymous

    Looky Looky, the two face, wifeless, fat man suddenly starts braying with forked tongue, as usual.
    Suddenly his precious govt that kicked and beat people out of their homes to his delight, is disappointing him. And now he calls this very same cadre of morons dangerous. Oh he thought they were great when people were getting kicked out of their homes and breaking their bones in the process. And now he posts anti govt articles with supportive remarks following.
    Hey you self righteous azzhole, how does it feel to know that you were as wrong as you are mateless and childless????????
    The truth will out.

  6. avrohom


    While it is painful, you make a very important point: The power and determination that he used to out the jews of Amona were not used to out the Hezbollah!

    And at the same time: on a metaphysical level: all people who allowed 9,000 jews to be expelled for practical reason have to answer themselves and others if they are faultless to what led to the wevacaution of the north.

  7. avrohom


    While it is painful, you make a very important point: The power and determination that he used to out the jews of Amona were not used to out the Hezbollah!

    And at the same time: on a metaphysical level: all people who allowed 9,000 jews to be expelled for practical reason have to answer themselves and others if they are faultless to what led to the wevacaution of the north.

  8. avrohom


    While it is painful, you make a very important point: The power and determination that he used to out the jews of Amona were not used to out the Hezbollah!

    And at the same time: on a metaphysical level: all people who allowed 9,000 jews to be expelled for practical reason have to answer themselves and others if they are faultless to what led to the wevacaution of the north.

  9. avrohom


    While it is painful, you make a very important point: The power and determination that he used to out the jews of Amona were not used to out the Hezbollah!

    And at the same time: on a metaphysical level: all people who allowed 9,000 jews to be expelled for practical reason have to answer themselves and others if they are faultless to what led to the wevacaution of the north.

  10. Paul Freedman

    Anonymous–you hunk of gorgeous patriarchal magnificence with twenty children, many asses, and precious oxen: you misrepresent Shmarya’s position on disengagement

  11. Jerome Soller

    To anonymous,
    Are you Shmarya’s ex-girlfriend? Grow some balls and post your real name. Shmarya, should you ever decide to leave the “frozen wasteland” of Minnesota :), we would love to have you in Salt Lake City to help us make minyon in our small orthodox synagogue (Sha’Arei Tefila).


  12. Jerome Soller

    A relevant article from jerusalem post. It looks like Mofaz is the only one in the cabinet with any integrity or common sense.

    Mofaz told the cabinet that he favored a cease-fire but the agreement was unsatisfactory. He said he could not vote for an agreement that would not bring home the kidnapped soldiers or guarantee the end of Hizbullah.

    “We cannot be left with a piece of paper in our hands that will not be implemented,” Mofaz said. “There is nothing specific about dismantling Hizbullah so it will not be dismantled. Any other country that had more than 4,000 missiles fired upon its people would not accept a draft whose implementation is left in doubt.”‘


  13. Paul Freedman

    For the National Review editorial (repeating the concensus):


  14. Anonymous


    Post my real name??? Geee thats mighty Catholic of you St Jerome, or was that your name before you joined the LDS.

    Paul, I am not stating the old mans position on Disengagent, only his support of a govt that would treat its citizens worse then the countries enemies. And now suddenly for some reason finds the Govts policies lacking? Oh I get it. Its like the Arab catch phrase, they dont Jews they hate Zionists. Rosenboid dosent hate Jews he hates settlers.

    How could I have misunderstood this drek.

  15. Anonymous


    Post my real name??? Geee thats mighty Catholic of you St Jerome, or was that your name before you joined the LDS.

    Paul, I am not stating the old mans position on Disengagent, only his support of a govt that would treat its citizens worse then the countries enemies. And now suddenly for some reason finds the Govts policies lacking? Oh I get it. Its like the Arab catch phrase, they dont Jews they hate Zionists. Rosenboid dosent hate Jews he hates settlers.

    How could I have misunderstood this drek.

  16. Anonymous


    Post my real name??? Geee thats mighty Catholic of you St Jerome, or was that your name before you joined the LDS.

    Paul, I am not stating the old mans position on Disengagent, only his support of a govt that would treat its citizens worse then the countries enemies. And now suddenly for some reason finds the Govts policies lacking? Oh I get it. Its like the Arab catch phrase, they dont Jews they hate Zionists. Rosenboid dosent hate Jews he hates settlers.

    How could I have misunderstood this drek.

  17. Anonymous


    Post my real name??? Geee thats mighty Catholic of you St Jerome, or was that your name before you joined the LDS.

    Paul, I am not stating the old mans position on Disengagent, only his support of a govt that would treat its citizens worse then the countries enemies. And now suddenly for some reason finds the Govts policies lacking? Oh I get it. Its like the Arab catch phrase, they dont Jews they hate Zionists. Rosenboid dosent hate Jews he hates settlers.

    How could I have misunderstood this drek.

  18. Anonymous


    Post my real name??? Geee thats mighty Catholic of you St Jerome, or was that your name before you joined the LDS.

    Paul, I am not stating the old mans position on Disengagent, only his support of a govt that would treat its citizens worse then the countries enemies. And now suddenly for some reason finds the Govts policies lacking? Oh I get it. Its like the Arab catch phrase, they dont Jews they hate Zionists. Rosenboid dosent hate Jews he hates settlers.

    How could I have misunderstood this drek.

  19. Paul Freedman

    Anonymous, that is my point: I supported the right of the very same government I badmouth now to institute the Gazan withdrawal, I do not remember Shmarya supporting it. I know that you and avrohom see a straight line between general secular idolatry and this cock-up but I don’t buy this yet. So you are free to call me a two-faced, wifeless, fat man, but one time will do.

    You know, it’s easy enough to make fun of middle age sveltness but at a certain point the metabolism switch goes into idle.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah. Never happen to you. Immune, you are. But one day, Thinman, you are going to look in the mirror, and there will be your father’s ghost, time-travelling back from the Home for the Aged, potbelly and all.

  20. avrohom


    1) And it’s time acknowledge that (while they had the maybe the “Technical” right) they were WRONG on all counts. What they did, “did nothing” for the cause to enhance an inch of security.

    2) Moreover: It is now understood clearly that the more thereis Jewish presence anywhere in Erets Yisroel the more security they bring to the WHOLE of erets yisroerl. It is clear now: that before the expulsion of 9,000 people Ashkelon was not a target. Now they are.

    And the owner of this site (not only gave the right to the goverment to do what they did) besmirched the most special people of Jews, the settlers and spoke harshly against these most special souls.

    And what do we short sighted people, backed up with years of idol worshipping for all “gods” say: that after a year of the expulsion, we had kassams, incapacitation of the pm (who at least was a “Security man”) who inherited his position to oneof the idol worshippers (beleif in the false and failed messiahs of “pieces” and “invented a new name “covnergence” of all the idolatryies) and sent the horses to harm the settlers (remember we didn’t forget it yet), won that stupid election putting us all “Achora” and the kassams started flying more and ..with no response from this nothing…and then kidnappings…and by his inability to do anything subatantial nassrallah yemach shmoy did not want hamas to steal from him the show…he kidnapped ..and mr Shmomert nothing and his company took us achora and the deterrence that nce was israel’s trademark was shattered by his company of nothing (see how this nothing never thought of the security issues in the first palces when for personal reasons this nothing put in the defense minister a person with no military experience whatsoever as long as this would not spoil his idol gods of “convergence” etc.

  21. avrohom


    1) And it’s time acknowledge that (while they had the maybe the “Technical” right) they were WRONG on all counts. What they did, “did nothing” for the cause to enhance an inch of security.

    2) Moreover: It is now understood clearly that the more thereis Jewish presence anywhere in Erets Yisroel the more security they bring to the WHOLE of erets yisroerl. It is clear now: that before the expulsion of 9,000 people Ashkelon was not a target. Now they are.

    And the owner of this site (not only gave the right to the goverment to do what they did) besmirched the most special people of Jews, the settlers and spoke harshly against these most special souls.

    And what do we short sighted people, backed up with years of idol worshipping for all “gods” say: that after a year of the expulsion, we had kassams, incapacitation of the pm (who at least was a “Security man”) who inherited his position to oneof the idol worshippers (beleif in the false and failed messiahs of “pieces” and “invented a new name “covnergence” of all the idolatryies) and sent the horses to harm the settlers (remember we didn’t forget it yet), won that stupid election putting us all “Achora” and the kassams started flying more and ..with no response from this nothing…and then kidnappings…and by his inability to do anything subatantial nassrallah yemach shmoy did not want hamas to steal from him the show…he kidnapped ..and mr Shmomert nothing and his company took us achora and the deterrence that nce was israel’s trademark was shattered by his company of nothing (see how this nothing never thought of the security issues in the first palces when for personal reasons this nothing put in the defense minister a person with no military experience whatsoever as long as this would not spoil his idol gods of “convergence” etc.

  22. Paul Freedman

    avrohom–this government may survive for the time being because of the peculiar mechanics of coalition politics, but I don’t think there will be much more convergence in the coming months–it looks like Hezbollah will might be satisfied to “digest” the situation: it will hold fire against Israeli territory as a force of UN plus whatever Lebanese units show up line up between its units and the Israeli border: meanwhile the IDF shows every sign of withdrawing as quickly as possible, demobilizing reserves, as Israel “gets back to normal”–Hamas and Fatah will establish a new set of working relationships and Abbas may draw closer to the Syrian-Iranian network of influences. things will appear sort of peaceful but also delicate and Israel’s deterrence, as you note is strategically challenged (shattered I think is too harsh). In these changed conditions, particulary after Olmert directly interjected the “international community” as a co-equal guarantor of Israel’s northern border, convergence is the least of the problems, I think, that face any nationalist or religous-nationalist successor to a government that may, as you suggest, represent not so much this or that ideology, but lowest-common-denominator secularaism, which may have been the “convergence” Olmert was talking about all along, not a territorial withdrawal but a secularist re-alignment in Israeli domestic politics; this may have been what he’s been keeping his eye on.

  23. Paul Freedman

    …that is, using the example of the lobster in the pot, those who wish to replace Israel may be smart enough to keep things at a simmer, and even if not, the breakdown of deterrence has occurred internally: it is a matter of a future failure of will. a desire not to engage (I don’t think there will be invasion by Arab armies, etc.). Bibi has to decide whether to embrace your 2) as his declared program.

  24. Neo-Conservaguy

    “And it’s time acknowledge that (while they had the maybe the “Technical” right) they were WRONG on all counts. What they did, “did nothing” for the cause to enhance an inch of security.”

    Totally incorrect. Evacuating those settlements freed up huge numbers of IDF soldiers and resources, some of which are directly involved in the current situation.

  25. avrohom

    Dear Paul,

    Agreed that there will not be much of “convergence” the following onths; we should hope that the mechanics of the coalition will dissipate this failed goverment as quickly as possbile to deal withe pressing issues, and i thank you writing the following “-it looks like Hezbollah will might be satisfied to “digest” the situation: it will hold fire against Israeli territory as a force of UN plus whatever Lebanese units show up line up between its units and the Israeli border:”‘ as people are anaware that the hezzbollah and un and lebanese soldeirs will be one entity at the end of the day…

    And you are also 100% that as it get’s back tonormal hamas and fatah and abbas will use the new set of lessons that nasralah taught them (as we already see the upsurge of kassas in ashkelon).

    The question is: how fast will a leader that was less corrupted with the “concessions” mentality arise to be able to lead and deal with the situation…and how quick will the leftists make usforget the real experinces of this war and start their illusionary and fantasy out of the world mumbojumbo and drey everyone their kop that really “restraint = power” and other empty slogans…it’s time for unity to topple this goverment as soon as possible so that at least this war served one good purpose to awaken most people from their deep sleep that all the dreams promised for the past 30 years are failed dreams…

  26. avrohom

    Dear Paul,

    Agreed that there will not be much of “convergence” the following onths; we should hope that the mechanics of the coalition will dissipate this failed goverment as quickly as possbile to deal withe pressing issues, and i thank you writing the following “-it looks like Hezbollah will might be satisfied to “digest” the situation: it will hold fire against Israeli territory as a force of UN plus whatever Lebanese units show up line up between its units and the Israeli border:”‘ as people are anaware that the hezzbollah and un and lebanese soldeirs will be one entity at the end of the day…

    And you are also 100% that as it get’s back tonormal hamas and fatah and abbas will use the new set of lessons that nasralah taught them (as we already see the upsurge of kassas in ashkelon).

    The question is: how fast will a leader that was less corrupted with the “concessions” mentality arise to be able to lead and deal with the situation…and how quick will the leftists make usforget the real experinces of this war and start their illusionary and fantasy out of the world mumbojumbo and drey everyone their kop that really “restraint = power” and other empty slogans…it’s time for unity to topple this goverment as soon as possible so that at least this war served one good purpose to awaken most people from their deep sleep that all the dreams promised for the past 30 years are failed dreams…

  27. Paul Freedman

    avrohom: In part convergence or whatever was *based* on the”patent” of Lebanon: withdraw, count on incursions and bombardment to keep things under control. Didn’t work. We can hope that the present “cease-fire” will somehow work (it would be better to be wrong than accurate in unhappy predictions), but who can believe it will? My own home is not the religious-nationalist camp–but I am waiting to see what gels from there in the days ahead. For now, a vote of no-confidence does not seem to be in the offing.

  28. Phil

    While you’re all still playing Nasrallah’s propaganda game and claiming victory for Hizballah, maybe you might be enlightened by reading this…


  29. Paul Freedman

    Phil, unlike the puerile rhetorical shot of your intro, I’ve consistently given benchmarks as how we would know that Olmert and Halutz et al (not the nation of Israel) had failed by their own self-avowed declarations [from Haaretz]:

    Lebanon government compromise would allow Hezbollah to keep hidden weapons in south
    Lebanese army could deploy within two days
    By Yoav Stern and Amos Harel, Haaretz Correspondents, and News Agencies

    A compromise agreement now being hammered out between Hezbollah and the Lebanese government would allow the Shi’ite guerillas to keep hidden weapons in south Lebanon, the London-based Al-Hayat newspaper reported on Tuesday.

    While Hezbollah would need to keep the weapons it possesses south of the Litani River hidden, an agreement for areas north of the river would be “left to a long term solution,” the paper reported.

    If the proposed compromise is accepted Tuesday by the Lebanese government, it would violate the terms of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701 ending the war in Lebanon. The resolution rules that the Lebanese army and UNIFIL may be the only armed forces in the territory between the Litani River south to the Israeli border.

    This compromise is also a violation of the “one weapon” principle that appears in Lebanese Prime Minister Fuad Siniora’s Seven Points Plan.

  30. Paul Freedman

    the husband upon being caught by his wife tiptoeing back into the bedroom, reeking of gin and cheap perfume, told her when she accused him of adultery, “while you go playing the propaganda game of those who are envious of us, sullying our family reputation you might stop to consider the sacredness of our wedding vows”…

  31. Paul Freedman

    DF General Staff sources: Halutz cannot escape resignation

    By Haaretz Service

    Senior sources in the Israel Defense Forces General Staff and field officers who took part in the war in Lebanon said on Tuesday that Chief of Staff Dan Halutz, who went to his bank branch and sold an NIS 120,000 investment portfolio only three hours after two soldiers were abducted by Hezbollah on the northern border, cannot escape resignation.

    The sources say there is a clear ethical flaw in the chief of staff’s behavior during the hours when soldiers were killed in Lebanon and others were attempting to rescue wounded. Halutz should resign the moment the military completes its pullout from south Lebanon, they said.

  32. avrohom

    The second day and the extreme grave violation of the whole point and objectiveof this war and campaign. They legitimize the existenceof weapons by hezbbollah officially and “internally” but israel will be mr. nice guy turning the cheek to keep this “cease fire” unilateally like all the “unilateral” moves that turns theother cheek for the enemy to go further aka assad’s statements etc.

    Let everyone know with clarity: we will have 15,000 with weapons of hezbbollah and they will train the lebanese how to engage the enemy and further the causeof “Resistance” to the enemy.

  33. avrohom

    The second day and the extreme grave violation of the whole point and objectiveof this war and campaign. They legitimize the existenceof weapons by hezbbollah officially and “internally” but israel will be mr. nice guy turning the cheek to keep this “cease fire” unilateally like all the “unilateral” moves that turns theother cheek for the enemy to go further aka assad’s statements etc.

    Let everyone know with clarity: we will have 15,000 with weapons of hezbbollah and they will train the lebanese how to engage the enemy and further the causeof “Resistance” to the enemy.

  34. avrohom

    The second day and the extreme grave violation of the whole point and objectiveof this war and campaign. They legitimize the existenceof weapons by hezbbollah officially and “internally” but israel will be mr. nice guy turning the cheek to keep this “cease fire” unilateally like all the “unilateral” moves that turns theother cheek for the enemy to go further aka assad’s statements etc.

    Let everyone know with clarity: we will have 15,000 with weapons of hezbbollah and they will train the lebanese how to engage the enemy and further the causeof “Resistance” to the enemy.

  35. avrohom

    The second day and the extreme grave violation of the whole point and objectiveof this war and campaign. They legitimize the existenceof weapons by hezbbollah officially and “internally” but israel will be mr. nice guy turning the cheek to keep this “cease fire” unilateally like all the “unilateral” moves that turns theother cheek for the enemy to go further aka assad’s statements etc.

    Let everyone know with clarity: we will have 15,000 with weapons of hezbbollah and they will train the lebanese how to engage the enemy and further the causeof “Resistance” to the enemy.

  36. avrohom


    See also in Ynetnews commentsof general adam who has concerns that Hezbollah will infiltrate lebanese army. So pathetic…

  37. avrohom


    See also in Ynetnews commentsof general adam who has concerns that Hezbollah will infiltrate lebanese army. So pathetic…

  38. avrohom


    See also in Ynetnews commentsof general adam who has concerns that Hezbollah will infiltrate lebanese army. So pathetic…

  39. avrohom


    See also in Ynetnews commentsof general adam who has concerns that Hezbollah will infiltrate lebanese army. So pathetic…

  40. avrohom


    See also in Ynetnews commentsof general adam who has concerns that Hezbollah will infiltrate lebanese army. So pathetic…

  41. avrohom


    See also in Ynetnews commentsof general adam who has concerns that Hezbollah will infiltrate lebanese army. So pathetic…

  42. avrohom


    See also in Ynetnews commentsof general adam who has concerns that Hezbollah will infiltrate lebanese army. So pathetic…

  43. Jerome Soller

    Phil and Paul and Avrohom,
    I think it is very clear that HizbAllah is the big winner. Olmert and company, not the people of Israel, lost this war. At the beginning of the war, Olmert laid out objectives that included: a)return of the soldiers, b)seriously damaging HizbAllah’s infrastructure, c)removing Hizballah’s presence and weapons from southern Lebanon, etc. Which of these objectives did he meet when he negotiated an agreement with no substance or potential to enforce?

    HizbAllah now infiltrates the Lebanese Army, keeps their weapons, and put tens of thousands of troops on the border. I would not be suprised if the 2,000 Indonesians (or is it Malaysians) that are traveling to Lebanon to assist the jihad will magically enlist in the Lebanese Army. This way, the Lebanese people and the U.S. and the UN can fit the bill for the cost of HizbAllah’s food and other costs, while Iran and Syria only need to help arm the “Lebanese” army. If a weapon gets fired at Israel, Lebanon will say, “Sorry, I don’t know where that came from. It must be from the mysterious new group called PissbAllah or the newest Palestinian group.” Israel won’t be able to respond to any provocation, as there will be a trained and equipped Hizbollan (oh I mean Lebanese) Army on the border protected by human shields (UN peace-keepers).


  44. Paul Freedman

    Jerome, I don’t know that Hezbollah feels it needs to join the Lebanese army (after all the Hezbos are better trained and equipped). The “Lebanese government” can decide to bless the Hezbo’s and make them official deputies of the government or not–my bet is that in any event Hezbollah will rebuild, lie low for some period of time (a bit? months?), repair command posts working around whatever troops show up and relocate some of their command infrastructure northward.

    I don’t see how the UNIFIL force can work in but hope that it does–the Likud doesn’t want to make a decisive move to expel Olmert now. I don’t read about a tide of anger in Israel for stopping the war as the demands of successfully completing it became clearer–there is not a groundswell of “no, we must continue the fight to meet the objectives the government initially declared” but one of “they lied but lets go home, next time maybe we’ll do it right”.

  45. Daniel Benzvi

    Ariel Sharon being kept alive at all costs by “mad scientist” doctors was the first crack in the façade that revealed to the world that Israel under its’ current government has failed to garner the needed mental fortitude and military savy to defend its’ people both in the public arena and on the battlefield. The stupid and publicaly embarrassing draconian Soviet/Bolshevik style cult of personality antics of keeping Sharon alive (defying all ethical provenance) have proven for all the world to see. . .that the weird and ghoulish Olmert government’s true intentions for leading Israel into the twenty first century are a complete and utter failure.

    The enemies of Israel are having a field day with this grotesque and creepy public display of morose cynicism.

    But Olmert and his minion are obsessed with Sharon on a very strange level and therefore are humiliating Israel on the most basic of her principles…it’s respect and celebration of life and it’s dignity and sense of right in the face of death.

  46. Paul Freedman

    Daniel–maybe Sharon didn’t leave a “living will” and the laws of Israel freeze the doctors into using any possible means to extend his life. My father had the opportunity to review a list of “extraordinary means” before he died and the opportunity to approve them or say, no, don’t do this, don’t do this, don’t do this.

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