Misuse Of Memory: Chabad To Decorate Putin With Medal – AT AUSCHWITZ


Russia’s Chabad Chief Rabbi and Mr. Putin’s favorite Court Jew Berel Lazar announced the most sickening public relations stunt I’ve ever seen:

Russian President Vladimir Putin will be decorated at Auschwitz with the Salvation medal as a symbol of gratitude to the Soviet people for the liberation of the notorious Nazi death camp, Russia’s Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar said Monday at a press-conference.

Aging Soviet liberators of Auschwitz – who should be getting the medal – will instead have the privilege of watching Rabbi Lazar’s patron Mr. Putin receive it ‘for them.’

Instead of honoring the true liberators – men now in their late 80’s – who paid with blood for that liberation, Chabad has instead decided to turn the liberation of Auschwitz – and the Holocaust itself –
into a sickening PR gambit.


Read it all after the jump.

Update: Tzemach Atlas weighs in here.

Putin to Be Decorated With Medal at Auschwitz
Monday, January 24, 2005

MOSCOW, Russia – On January 27 Russian President Vladimir
Putin will be decorated at Auschwitz with the Salvation medal as a
symbol of gratitude to the Soviet people for the liberation of the
notorious Nazi death camp, Russia’s Chief Rabbi Berl Lazar said Monday
at a press-conference. Rabbi Lazar and the Israeli president Moshe
Katzav will present the medal.

"In the future, the medal will be presented to people who saved and hid Jews during the war," Rabbi Lazar said.

"Soviet soldiers played the most important part in liberating the
prisoners of Auschwitz. We will always remember how they saved our
brothers," Rabbi Lazar stressed.

The 60th anniversary of the Auschwitz liberation on January 27 is
not just an important date for Jews, he said. "If we remember what
happened, we can prevent the repetition of the merciless elimination of
not only Jews, but others as well," Rabbi Lazar said.

Rabbi Lazar also compared the Nazi’s with terrorists.

"Terrorists want to conquer the whole world just like the Nazis.
They also eliminate anyone who disagrees with them, twisting any
ideology to hide their own agendas," Rabbi Lazar said.



Soviet liberators of Auschwitz recall discovering concentration camp horror
Thu Jan 20, 2:24 AM ET
Sixty years on, memories of the horror they stumbled upon are still painfully vivid for the former Soviet soldiers who liberated Auschwitz, Nazi Germany’s most infamous concentration camp, where some 1.1 million people, many of them Jews, were exterminated.

"Among the inmates, you could not distinguish the men from the women, the young from the old. They were wide-eyed human beings with translucent skin," recalls Genry Koptev, now almost 80 years old.

"They were laughing and crying all at once, and telling us about their lives in all possible languages," says Koptev, then in charge of an anti-tank cannon in the the Soviet army’s 322nd division, which liberated Auschwitz.

For the soldiers, the shock was all the greater since they had not been told in advance of what they were going to find.

"Until the last minute, our commanders did not tell us that we were to enter a concentration camp," says 81-year-old Ivan Martynushkin, then at the head of a gunner unit also belonging to the 322nd division.

It was only when his men actually saw the camp’s barbed wires that he received the order "not to use our artillery any longer so as not to kill prisoners," he adds.

Now an old if alert man, Martynushkin is no longer sure whether he saw with his own eyes the infamous "Arbeit macht frei" (work sets one free) inscription over the camp’s main gate.

But he perfectly recalls the confusion that settled among his men at the sight of "strangely dressed" people who stood in small groups behind the barbed wires and were watching the Soviet soldiers "with a kind of wariness."

"But we quickly understood that those were not the last of the Nazis, but inmates, and they in turn were reassured at the sight of our short military coats and our shapkas (Russian fur hats)," Martynushkin says.

"Then we exchanged gestures of greetings, although we remained separated by the camp’s barrier," since his unit’s orders were to reconnoiter the area around the camp, but not to enter it, he says.

"In the vicinity, we found houses which had obviously been abandonned by the camp’s commanding officers. In some, the table was laid, in others, everything was in a mess. Nearby, my men found a shed with large stockpiles of clothes," he says.

Martynushkin finally entered the camp on the following day, and there he only saw Soviet soldiers "going about their work, bustling around a medical convoy and registering the inmates.

Koptev, on the other hand, had a radically different experience. He was among the first soldiers to actually enter Auschwitz concentration camp.

"No one had anticipated such horror," he says.

"Near the camp’s entrance, we saw thousands of people standing on a large square, singing in various languages. A red rag was fluttering above their heads," Koptev recalls. Nearby, he says, playing cards and wind instruments were lying in the mud.

"Then I saw a whole alley bordered with two-meter high bonfires, from which human bodies were emerging. The alley was leading to the camp’s crematorium," he says.

"I also saw a room where human hairs were stockpiled, and another where there were only spectacles. Then I went into the showers room, whose walls were covered in dark blue tiles. But only after the Nuremberg trial did I learn how they were used," as gas chambers, he says.

"I could never understand how a human mind could conceive of this," says Koptev, who, along with other surviving Soviet soldiers who liberated Auschwitz and Russian President Vladimir Putin (news – web sites), will attend the January 27 commemoration of the 60th anniversary of Auschwitz’s liberation.



Filed under Chabad and the Holocaust, Chabad Theology, Court Jews & Quislings, History, Jewish Leadership

17 responses to “Misuse Of Memory: Chabad To Decorate Putin With Medal – AT AUSCHWITZ

  1. moishy klatzko

    After reading this interesing website, I found it quite strange and ironic that the anti chabad people who are knonw to be so intelligent and so into learning torah all day, not to mention all the kiruv work, and barely have time for their own humble and important needs, these tzadikim still find the time to lift a hand and point a finger at 1 group of Jews. You are almost like coffee strainers; you take an entire Jewish movement, together with all the holy work they do and put it all into your minds/strainers, then you let all the good stuff fall out and you collect all the “bad”. But you are all so smart! Why would you stoop so low to do such a silly thing?! By posting these ferry tails on the internet you are not acheiving anything positive!
    On the contrary, you are transgressing the isur of speaking lashon horah! The famed tzaddik the chofetz chayim was so against speaking lashon horah! Is that how you comemorate a tzaddik? by doing the exact opposite of what he said to do?
    Hillel Hanosi (who made the calendar that ALL Jews rely on) said that the entire torah is based on the famous saying: “Do not do to others what you do not want others to do to you” I am sure that you dont want others to publicize negative lies about you, so please dont do it to others.
    Also we know that sinas chinom is what caused the distruction of the beis hamikdosh, and sinas chinom is what is holding it back from being rebuilt. (ehem)
    We all know the famous saying/song: “VAYICHAN shom yisroel neged hohor”, rashi says about this that klal yisrol were at that time, “k;ish echod bilev echod”, we know how much more we can acheive as a nation then each of us separately. Two is always better than one.
    So I just want to remind you that its never too late to change. Hashem is always ready to accept your teshuvah.
    The chofetz chayim, Vilna gaon, Reb Ponovich, MOishe Feinstein, Rav Pam, Rav Miller, Rav Gifter will all be so proud of you and im sure the rest of klal yisroel will also shep lots of nachas from you.
    Just remember that the realms of gehenim are very firey!
    Just listen to your neshomo, to your neffeshelokiss (the godly soul) hes crying out to you to listen to him. He wants you to in the derech hatoirah!
    And now I just want to end off by telling you that “kol mah shetalmid vosik osid lichadesh nitan limoshe misinai”. So if you didnt understand, Chasidus and specifically chasidus chabad was around all the time. Moishe rabeinu learnt chasidus and so did Yehoshua, and so did hillel hanosi. Chasidus chabad was around all the time except Hashem did not want the average Jew to learn it and so he only let us have during the lifetime of the baal shem tov. So would you ever dare make such a website trashing moshe rabeinu? or yahoshua? or hillel hanosi? NEVER! Not pointing any fingers, I just would like to mention that the people that made fun of moishe rabeinu in the midbar were the “eirev rav”. remember every time you learn about them in chumash you say “oh, the eirev rav, those are the bad guys”, well, what you are basically doing is, looking in the mirror and saying “oh him, he’s a bad guy”.

  2. yoel birgman

    I would just like to coment on moishy klatzko’s letter.
    I agree with him 10000 percent. The lubavitchers are very nice people doing lots of mitzvos and always helping others. It broke my heart when this site popped up on me. What you are all doing is against halachah.
    Chabad would never do such a terrible thing against the misnagdim! You antis are making a huge chilul hashem.

  3. Parshendossa

    “….knonw to be so intelligent and so into learning torah all day, …….”
    khokhma , bina etc… is your turf , you no doubt study between shots of mashke
    “….the kiruv work, ” – kiruv to aveira and erronuous ways , is also all yours
    “…you take an entire Jewish movement, together with all the holy work ….”
    Jewish ? holy ? let’s not get carried away
    “…On the contrary, you are transgressing the isur of speaking lashon horah! ”
    Loshon hora ? Is also your people’s specialty when they speak among anash behind people’s back. then again , it depends
    “Do not do to others what you do not want others to do to you”
    Oh , no-eh doyresh ! why not be no-eh mekayem ?
    “VAYICHAN shom yisroel neged hohor”, rashi says about this that klal yisrol were at that time, “k;ish echod bilev echod”, we know how much more we can acheive as a nation then each of us separately. Two is always better than one.”
    Look who is talking !
    “So if you didnt understand, Chasidus and specifically chasidus chabad was around all the time. Moishe rabeinu learnt chasidus and so did Yehoshua, and so did hillel hanosi. ”
    Lotes lifsoeem ormoh לָתֵת לִפְתָאיִם עָרְמָה
    ” Chasidus chabad was around all the time except Hashem did not want the average Jew to learn it ”
    No wonder !
    ” “eirev rav”. remember every time you learn about them in chumash you say “oh, the eirev rav, those are the bad guys”, ”
    Oh yea ! they come to mind reading you !

  4. moishy klatzko

    dear parshandoso. just by your name i can understand why you spoke the way you did.
    1st of all i dont see your point of doing to my letter wat this site does to many of the letters of the lubavitcher rebbe. you took parts of my letter and added your own lies to it. thats what this site did to some letters of the rebbe!
    and btw mr. homon horosho’s son, I dont learn between shots of mashke. I am not lubavitch, however I still see that they dont do kiruv work to aveiros and i cant believe that a jewish person can even utter such a thing.Did you yourself ever learn tanya? do you know what chasidus is all about?
    well, I guess not bec. if you did, you obviously wouldnt be talking the way you are.
    So maybe 1st learn the tanya and then write back.

  5. If you think my understanding of the Chabad-Putin-Lazar-Auschwitz situation is incorrect, try explaining why. Simply accusing me of being “anti”-Chabad just does not cut it.

    Bring some facts and logic to the table, if you have any.

  6. Harbona

    Of them the princes of deceipt , the prophet Yeshayahu so eloquently said:
    כ הוֹי הָאמְרִים לָרַע טוֹב, וְלַטּוֹב רָע: שָׂמִים חֹשֶׁךְ לְאוֹר וְאוֹר לְחֹשֶׁךְ, שָׂמִים מַר לְמָתוֹק וּמָתוֹק לְמָר. {ס}

    כא הוֹי, חֲכָמִים בְּעֵינֵיהֶם; וְנֶגֶד פְּנֵיהֶם, נְבֹנִים. {ס}

    כב הוֹי, גִּבּוֹרִים לִשְׁתּוֹת יָיִן; וְאַנְשֵׁי-חַיִל, לִמְסֹךְ שֵׁכָר. כג מַצְדִּיקֵי רָשָׁע, עֵקֶב שֹׁחַד; וְצִדְקַת צַדִּיקִים, יָסִירוּ מִמֶּנּוּ.

  7. Shimon

    “Hillel Hanosi (who made the calendar that ALL Jews rely on) said that the entire torah is based on the famous saying: “Do not do to others what you do not want others to do to you” I am sure that you dont want others to publicize negative lies about you, so please dont do it to others.”

    Not to nitpick, but the Hillel who created the calendar lived three centuries after the Hillel who said the original form of Golden Rule.

  8. Shalom

    Hi! My name is Shalom, and I am nine years old. I am shocked at the way you guys can write these lies about things that are not even true. You make things up and you make it sound so real. Its crazy how you brainwash yourself and make yourself and others beleive what you know is not true. Why are you so jealous of Lubavitch? If you weren’t jealous, than you wouldn’t mind what they do and beleive. You guys take stories,and make up your own false chiddushim to it. So go continue learning about what your gedolei hadar would be proud of you, and no one cares about what you write, especially when you guys don’t even sound religious – the way you talk about your own jews – Jews that have the same neshama!! So basically, I’m not interested in what bit of what you guys are, that call yourselves talmedie chachamim – have to say especially people that make up lies and twist the truth. I think it’s time for you to learn about shmiras haloshon. And for all you bored souls that have nothing better to do in your life than to make fun of people that you are jealous of. I’m not interested in what you say, and I’m not either looking at this website again and I

  9. Harbona

    ” Hi! My name is Shalom, and I am nine years old.”
    Me too
    ” You make things up and you make it sound so real. Its crazy how you brainwash yourself and make yourself and others beleive what you know is not true.”
    That’s profound Sholom , when you grow up , you will realise that maybe you and your dad and his rabbis are the ones brainwashed with falsehoods .

    ” Why are you so jealous of Lubavitch? If you weren’t jealous, than you wouldn’t mind what they do and beleive.”
    It’s not jealousy , you must have learned about the fellow drilling a hole in “his” side of the boat .
    See Sholom, we are all involved .

    ” especially when you guys don’t even sound religious – the way you talk about your own jews – Jews that have the same neshama!!”
    They sold you that too ? Yiros shomoyim is an exclusive Chaba specialty .

    ” I think it’s time for you to learn about shmiras haloshon. And for all you bored – that’s it bored is the word- souls that have nothing …..”
    Yasher koyach Reb Sholom 9.

    “you say, and I’m not either looking at this website again and I ”
    No-we don’t think you should either .

  10. Paul Freedman

    Personally, I think that if there was a true Rebbe of this generation to emerge from within Chabad, one who lives in Olam Hazeh, the organizational’s overhead would more easily be seen in perspective.

  11. Isa

    Well one might think I side with the anti-Chabad group, I think Chabad would be stupid not to do a stunt like this.
    Curry favor with Putin? Why not!
    They need to think of some excuse to give Putin more than one medal. Putin remembers his friends and more importantly ‘remembers’ his enemies. Actually giving the medal to Soviet veterans would be a good idea. On certain occasions Soviet veterans put on all their medals (a combat soldier probably has 10 or more) wear them with pride

  12. Chaim

    Man you’ve got issues, i guess this blog is cheaper than therepy, but you should really speak to a profesional about your misguided feelings towards Chabad. You can’t possibly think the “bad” (that you think is bad) that they do outweighs the good they do.
    Your intoolerance is hard and sad to see, it’s stereotypical, painting all lubavitch with the same brush, i personally am often disgusted by the “messianic” lubavitchers, but i myself was mekarav by a chabad rabbi, and i don’t base my whole beleif system on the rebbe being moshiach, not every person is the same, not every group is the same, and you should have the love in your heart to let people be. By writing the things you write on this board, your Loshan Hora and badmouthing does not outwiegh what you probably think its the greater good in “outing” lubavitch.

    – Chaim

  13. Michael

    This website is pure idiocy and hatred. No wonder we don’t have Moshiach.

  14. Chaim

    Im glad to see after going through your “articles” comments section, that 95 percent of the comments are agains this site. Baruch Hashem, I hope you do the right thing and end this sites unseen damage to every Jewish soul, yours included. – Chaim (again)

  15. Shmarya, Keep up the good work! You’re absolutely right to point to the sickening hypocrisy of Putin being given an award by Chabad at Auschwitz!

  16. jeff

    ouch this site is disgusting. im undescribly upset how such jews could act .
    wheres the ahva yisrael. this site is pure kofer b’torah

  17. Brian Kresge

    I’m quite amazed at the negative response to this site. The Rebbe, of righteous memory, was a rare man with a rare gift, but he was set up for success due to the dynastic nature of Chassidim. Not that the success of Chabad is not a wonderful thing!
    However, no successor was appointed, and many questions linger. Chabad, despite it’s success, is still an earthly institution bereft of what is central to Chassidim, a viable dynastic centerpiece. Without that direction, it’s not unreasonable to have questions. When it’s out increasing observance of the mitzvot, like teaching people who fell outside the fold how to lay tefillin and to live Jewishly, Chabad is unique and I am grateful for it, as we all should be. I, for one, am comforted when I find Chabad in the far-flung corners of the planet when I travel. I take great solace in knowing I can count on Chabad to be present everywhere. It’s a sign of good times for Jews.
    However, we have arrived at a point where Chabad has set itself up as an international mouthpiece for religious Jews of all walks. That’s fine, HaShem knows we could use it…but Chabad also has to acknowledge that there’s a dilineation between realpolitik, diplomacy, and spirituality. Without a single, directing figurehead, there are going to be things that are done that the rest of us will question.
    I think this site does that. In fact, I would argue that for an opinion blog, it meets most of the criteria for having high journalistic integrity. I find very little opinion rendered that is unsupported. Maybe I misread it, but I don’t see an anti-Chabad agenda. I see legitimate questions that should be reasonably addressed (2 Jews = 3 opinions adage) if Chabad is going to continue to promote itself as the Jewish people’s spiritual ambassador to the nations.

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