The Evilest Jews


Unidentified Neturei Karta rabbi in Tehran with Iranian president Ahmadinejad.[Photo Hat Tip: MB.]

RebelJew is back with his first post in nearly 6 months. What took him out of retirement? Neturei Karta’s enabling of the Muslim world’s Holocaust denial:

… But what draws me out of retirement are the Charedim that applauded along with the creme de la scum of the world, as they did for the late Yasser Arafat, nephew and huge fan of Nazi Haj Amin al Husseini. In their vitriolic, but political, hatred of "Zionist" Israel, they also tacitly agreed publicly that the Holocaust is a myth and that millions of Jews should be exterminated. Congratulations gentlemen, vitriolic vicious antisemitism is now authentic Judaism. Disgusting? Revolting? Sickening? Projectile Vomit inducing? Is there an adjective for such an attitude? And you wonder why it is difficult to mekarev yidden into today’s "yiddishkeit". If these people are the true shomrei Torah then I hereby KOFER THEIR TORAH AND THEIR GODS, and I am calling the mohel to SEW IT BACK ON!!!! Naturai Karta and those Charedim who support you, you are bitter enemies of the Jewish people!!!

Sure, NK is only a small group of several hundred active members and a few thousand sympathizers. But their theology is drawn directly from the world of the Minchat Elazar (the pre-war Munkatcher rebbe),, The Rashab (the 5th Lubavitcher rebbe), and Rabbi Yoel Titelbaum (the 1st Satmar rebbe and a disciple of the Munkatcher and admirer of the Rashab). In other words, NK’s hatred has bona fide haredi yichus.


Filed under Haredim, Israel

43 responses to “The Evilest Jews

  1. contemporary

    Why is it that when El Al flies on Shabbos, everyone goes ballistic, and wants to boycott a company that literally bends over backwards to service the Orthodox people, but noone calls for a boycott of NK, Satmar, et al, that are encouraging that Iranian slimeball?

  2. Ahavah bat Sarah

    Why are these people not excommunicated? God will allow us to be nuked just to get rid of these guys. Run for your life!

  3. Isa

    Pass the word, Nk are secret Mossad spies

  4. “In other words, NK’s hatred has bona fide haredi yichus.”

    Even more scary, it is the way the rest of the Jewish world is being drawn, that this is the “good” or “authentic” Judaism. Some asked how the Germans could have turned on their Jewish neighbors. Couldn’t they see where Nazism would lead? The NK can no longer be tolerated as a valid stream of Judaism. They are black hat wearing, black coat donning, Hebrew speaking, davening b’arichus, kosher keeping, Torah learning NAZIS!

  5. Ma Rabbi

    Niturey Karta are the outcasts of the frum world. They are scorned by Lubavitch, Belz, Ger, etc. Even many Satmars look down on them. If Reb Amram Blau were still alive, this would never have happened. Their current leaders are fools.

  6. Joseph

    FailedMessiah, I thought Rabbi Kolko was the evilist Jew. Make up your mind.

    Perhaps you like to have many evilist Jews. It helps you name call.

    Congrats for blaming hareidim even though they oppose NK. Its always fun blaming those hareidis.

  7. FailedMessiah, I thought Rabbi Kolko was the evilist Jew. Make up your mind.

    Child molestation is a horrible, horrible crime.

    But I’m pretty sure any sane person would agree that supporting genocide is worse.


  8. Shmarya-

    This photo is asking for a caption. I’m just not sure what to write. A hundred ideas are currently floating in my mind.

  9. B”H
    Shalom everyone!
    Notwithstanding all the valid criticism of Naturei Karta this post is deceptive.
    Here is a transcript of Rabbi Cohen’s speech there:
    while one can object to many points of this speech it doesn’t deny Holocaust:
    “13. Firstly, the facts. There is no doubt what so ever, that during World War 2 there developed a terrible and catastrophic policy and action of genocide perpetrated by Nazi Germany against the Jewish People, confirmed by innumerable eye witness survivors and fully documented again and again. I personally was spared the worst effects of the War because I was living in England which thankfully was not occupied by Nazi Germany. However, I and many many others lost countless friends and relatives who perished under the Nazi rule by intentional murder and genocide. Three million Jews in Poland, more than half a million in Hungary, many tens or hundreds of thousands in Russia, Slovakia, France, Belgium, Holland and more. The figure of six million is regularly quoted. One may wish to dispute this actual figure, but the crime was just as dreadful whether the millions (and there were millions) of victims numbered six million, five million or four million. The method of murder is also irrelevant, whether it was by gas chamber (and there were eye witnesses to this), firing squads or whatever. The evil was the same. It would be a terrible affront to the memory of those who perished to belittle the guilt of the crime in any way.”

    In fact I think that there is some good in NK being there just so Iranians and others see on their national TV live Jews respected by their government and religious leaders stating that Holocaust did happen.
    I also don’t understand why are Naturei Karta any more evil than say Israeli goverment both of them negotiate with murderes of the Jews both of this organizations weaken Jewish people by their statements and actions yet Naturei Karta did not take crying Jews men women and children out of their homes in summer surely knowing this wouldn’t bring peace.
    I don’t understand why so many people concentrate their anger on the words and actions (mostly words) of this tiny group while ignoring or endorseing much greater evildoers whose actions are directly causing actual murder kidnappings terrorism violations of human rights violations property rights etc. People who are opently rebelling against G-d , His Moshiach , His Torah and common sense.

  10. S.

    >In other words, NK’s hatred has bona fide haredi yichus.

    Yeah, and smoking cigarettes leads to smack.

  11. Caption for the picture:

    In breaking with ancient Muslim tradition, President of Iran revokes laws against gay marriage. Pulling a “McGreevey”, Achmedenajad announces his affair with an Israeli.

  12. Ariel

    Don’t you think the close comeraderie with the Nazi leader of Iran tends to lend credence to the idea that they SUPPORT a HOLOCAUST. He has all but PROMISED one.

    And for the record, while the Gaza withdrawal was probably wrong headed, it was not a HOLOCAUST!!!!!!! Why is supporting a man who has declared he will destroy Israel and kill millions of people worse than a government making a shortsighted policy decision? Can anyone help with that one?

    “People who are openly rebelling against G-d , His Moshiach …”

    For you, isn’t this redundant? Don;t you believe that Mendel Christ is G-d incarnate?

  13. Jerome Soller

    I despise Naturei Karta. I disagree with Rabbi Sokolovsky, as they are the most evil Jews. They disrespect the memory of all Jews and non-Jews who died in the Holocaust, by attending a Holocaust denial conference. Whether they pubically deny the Holocause is not the issue. Their presence allows anti-semites to say, “Look even black hat Jewish rabbis don’t believe the Holocaust occurred. Why should we? It must be a Jewish conspiracy to control the world.” The world press said exactly this, as they emphasized that both KKK members and these rabbis attended the Iranian conference. David Duke of KKK fame made statements at this same conference about how the Holocaust was a Jewish plot to control the world.

    At the same time, I disagree with Shmarya’s emphasis in his article. Neturei Karta’s views don’t really reflect the views of most haredi. All lubavitch rabbis I know don’t agree with them. Black hat ashkenazic rabbis I know strongly support Israel and strongly disagree with the Satmar (and more so with these folks). The Satmar I know dislike Naturei Karta because they meet with antisemites and seek public exposure.


  14. avrohom

    It is a strong estiamte that these fellows are not mizera yisroel. aligning with a person who wants to kill thousands of yidden in erets yisroel and align with a conference who deny the existence of the holocaust are suspect not to belong to zera yisroel.

  15. avrohom

    It is a strong estiamte that these fellows are not mizera yisroel. aligning with a person who wants to kill thousands of yidden in erets yisroel and align with a conference who deny the existence of the holocaust are suspect not to belong to zera yisroel.

  16. Moshe

    The man kissing Ahemnjihad in that picture his name is Mr. Friedman apparntly from Brooklyn, word is out in some Medi a reports that the Austrain Govt. will deport him from Austria where he currently resides.

  17. MO MAN

    These crackpots are having a Brittany-Madonna moment. Very evil, undescribable!

  18. MO MAN

    These crackpots are having a Brittany-Madonna moment. Very evil, undescribable!

  19. Some Guy with an Idea...

    Is there a way to prove that these NK’s have had a material gain ($$) from the Iranians?

    If so, that means that have done business with them, which is illegal under US law, wouldn’t that get them arrested?

  20. Some Guy with an Idea...

    Is there a way to prove that these NK’s have had a material gain ($$) from the Iranians?

    If so, that means that have done business with them, which is illegal under US law, wouldn’t that get them arrested?

  21. Yos

    What was the story about R. Ben Zakkai? He tried to talk the rebels of Mazada down from their stronghold, then made a deal with Vespasian to build a Yeshiva?

    I really think dignity was an invention of the Hellenists. I mean, is the Galut a punishment or just something that happened due to politics? Is it better to commit suicide or bow down to the misery God imposes and do teshuvah? Did Daniel suffer from ‘ghetto mentality’ or Dhimmi attitude?

    The more Religious Zionists I meet who tell me I need to move out of my American mountain Unabomber shack into a psychotic Haredi settlement, because otherwise God won’t accept me back into the fold, the more I wonder if NK doesn’t have a point.

    They still sicken me, though. They create just as much animosity as Zionists. And they do so while kissing Amalek.

  22. Yos

    What was the story about R. Ben Zakkai? He tried to talk the rebels of Mazada down from their stronghold, then made a deal with Vespasian to build a Yeshiva?

    I really think dignity was an invention of the Hellenists. I mean, is the Galut a punishment or just something that happened due to politics? Is it better to commit suicide or bow down to the misery God imposes and do teshuvah? Did Daniel suffer from ‘ghetto mentality’ or Dhimmi attitude?

    The more Religious Zionists I meet who tell me I need to move out of my American mountain Unabomber shack into a psychotic Haredi settlement, because otherwise God won’t accept me back into the fold, the more I wonder if NK doesn’t have a point.

    They still sicken me, though. They create just as much animosity as Zionists. And they do so while kissing Amalek.

  23. Yochanan Lavie

    The Jews are the only people in the world who kowtow to their persecutors. NK in Teheran is similar to Lazar and Putin: if we beg the Poritz to let us live, maybe he will (shuffle, shuffle).

    I don’t know what “sin” is so horrible that we deserved the shoah. I don’t know of any other people who denies themselves the dignity of having a state of their own (even deconstructing the concept of dignity).

    I am not a Muslim, and will not abjectly surrender to God. Jews argue with Him: Moshe, Avraham, etc Meanwhile, we rearange deck chairs on the Titanic by inventing new chumrot.

    I am not a kahanist. I don’t want to liquidate the palestineans, even if they would do so to me. I am not a relayer upon miracles- so I don’t think we can have a few hundred Jews prevail against a million Arabs in Gaza. But I want defensible borders, not empty promises.

    I am not a negator of the diaspora- dignified Jewish life is possible in the USA, Canada, and Austrailia (but probably nowhere else in Galut). But I support a strong Jewish state- moshiach schlmieach. (I’d like him to come, but I won’t wait forever. Where in tanach does it say we have to, to get a state? It is a talmudic invention).

    When Italians support Italy, a country that never existed before the 19th century, no one rails against “Garibaldism.” (Yes, there are ethnic minorities in Italy. Yes, Mussolini was an ultranationalist like Kahane). Why can’t the JImmy Carters, and their Jewish fellow travellers, leave us the fuck alone?

  24. Yochanan Lavie

    The Jews are the only people in the world who kowtow to their persecutors. NK in Teheran is similar to Lazar and Putin: if we beg the Poritz to let us live, maybe he will (shuffle, shuffle).

    I don’t know what “sin” is so horrible that we deserved the shoah. I don’t know of any other people who denies themselves the dignity of having a state of their own (even deconstructing the concept of dignity).

    I am not a Muslim, and will not abjectly surrender to God. Jews argue with Him: Moshe, Avraham, etc Meanwhile, we rearange deck chairs on the Titanic by inventing new chumrot.

    I am not a kahanist. I don’t want to liquidate the palestineans, even if they would do so to me. I am not a relayer upon miracles- so I don’t think we can have a few hundred Jews prevail against a million Arabs in Gaza. But I want defensible borders, not empty promises.

    I am not a negator of the diaspora- dignified Jewish life is possible in the USA, Canada, and Austrailia (but probably nowhere else in Galut). But I support a strong Jewish state- moshiach schlmieach. (I’d like him to come, but I won’t wait forever. Where in tanach does it say we have to, to get a state? It is a talmudic invention).

    When Italians support Italy, a country that never existed before the 19th century, no one rails against “Garibaldism.” (Yes, there are ethnic minorities in Italy. Yes, Mussolini was an ultranationalist like Kahane). Why can’t the JImmy Carters, and their Jewish fellow travellers, leave us the fuck alone?

  25. Lawrence M. Reisman

    For a moment, I was having a crisis of faith; how can I possibly agree with somthing that Ariel Sokolovsky said? Then I thought about it again. We (and that means all of us) rail against the media when they print a headline and scream one thing, only to explain something else in the 21st paragraph which is buried on page 22. Well, NK just did the same thing. The headline is the picture. Very few will ever read the 21st paragraph which maybe explains and justifies some of what they did. In this case, however, I do not blame the media. The NK went into this knowing what they were doing, and knowing how it would play out in the media. Some of them have been quoted saying that they can convince the deniers that they are wrong. (They should live so long.) In the end, the message people will get is the picture, not what they said otherwise.

  26. Lawrence M. Reisman

    For a moment, I was having a crisis of faith; how can I possibly agree with somthing that Ariel Sokolovsky said? Then I thought about it again. We (and that means all of us) rail against the media when they print a headline and scream one thing, only to explain something else in the 21st paragraph which is buried on page 22. Well, NK just did the same thing. The headline is the picture. Very few will ever read the 21st paragraph which maybe explains and justifies some of what they did. In this case, however, I do not blame the media. The NK went into this knowing what they were doing, and knowing how it would play out in the media. Some of them have been quoted saying that they can convince the deniers that they are wrong. (They should live so long.) In the end, the message people will get is the picture, not what they said otherwise.

  27. Yochanan Lavie

    I apologize for the intemparate tone of my previous post (probably a first for this blog). But I stand by the content of what I wrote. I am sick and tired of Israel having to justify its existence. It’s not Utopia, unlike what Herzl thought it would be. But it’s not North Korea, either. (And nobody is questioning the nationhood of the Koreans, or where they can have their state).

    Why is it that the Jews, and only the Jews, have to go through this? For 2000 years we were illegally occupying Christendom and Daar al-Islam. “Jews go back to Palestine,” was what they said in my parents’ day. Now that we’re back, we are occupying Palestinean land. (I recognize they have a conflicting claim, but there are other such disputes in the world, and there is no reciprocity on their side).

    As Amos Oz, no rightwinger he, once said. “First it was Jews out of Europe! Go back to Palestine. Then, it was Jews out of Palestine, go back to Europe. Don’t be here. Don’t be there. Just don’t be!”

    If interstellar travel were ever perfected, maybe we should move to another planet. But the UN would condemn us for alienating the rights of space aliens!

    To my friend Lawrence: You are an Ohav Yisrael and are trying to paint NK in the best light possible. I salute your intention, but sometimes a kapo is just a kapo.

  28. Yochanan Lavie

    I apologize for the intemparate tone of my previous post (probably a first for this blog). But I stand by the content of what I wrote. I am sick and tired of Israel having to justify its existence. It’s not Utopia, unlike what Herzl thought it would be. But it’s not North Korea, either. (And nobody is questioning the nationhood of the Koreans, or where they can have their state).

    Why is it that the Jews, and only the Jews, have to go through this? For 2000 years we were illegally occupying Christendom and Daar al-Islam. “Jews go back to Palestine,” was what they said in my parents’ day. Now that we’re back, we are occupying Palestinean land. (I recognize they have a conflicting claim, but there are other such disputes in the world, and there is no reciprocity on their side).

    As Amos Oz, no rightwinger he, once said. “First it was Jews out of Europe! Go back to Palestine. Then, it was Jews out of Palestine, go back to Europe. Don’t be here. Don’t be there. Just don’t be!”

    If interstellar travel were ever perfected, maybe we should move to another planet. But the UN would condemn us for alienating the rights of space aliens!

    To my friend Lawrence: You are an Ohav Yisrael and are trying to paint NK in the best light possible. I salute your intention, but sometimes a kapo is just a kapo.

  29. george

    the nk are scumbags giving anti semitism legitimacy under the guise of anti israel. my friends friend isn’t automaticly my friend and neither is my enemies enemy!

  30. george

    the nk are scumbags giving anti semitism legitimacy under the guise of anti israel. my friends friend isn’t automaticly my friend and neither is my enemies enemy!

  31. yiddishefireman

    NK’s position that secular zionism is inconsistent with observant judaism is an opinion I can live with or without. On the other hand, lending counsel and support to enemies of humanity and people who wish to destroy a nation, any nation is clearly not consonant with any form of Judaism.

    We should be careful, however, when comparing NK with the Satmar Rav, Munkatsher Rebbe, etc. The Satmar Rav’s distaste for the state of Israel did not deflect from his love of all Jews.

  32. contemporary

    While the Satmar Rav may have had a great love for all of K’lal Yisrael, his writings have become the Gospel for the NK and their ilk. His attributing the foundation of the modern Medinah to the “Sitra Achara” (which is actually a Zoroastrian concept, and is not Jewish at all), gave rise to the whole crazy notion of Jewish anti- Zionism. Many of us have gripes of a religious nature (from the right or from the left) of a political nature, or of any other nature. That is o.k.. We still accept the validity of the State. If I have a gripe about my wife’s cooking, she is still my wife. Medinat Yisrael was founded by Jews as a haven for all Jews. With all its faults, it’s still the best place for a Jew to live. It supports Torah (to some extent) provides kosher meals to its soldiery, protects Jews both within and without its borders, etc. Thousands of Diaspora Jews come to this haven to live, and to practice and learn about their religion. More Jews have returned to their religion via the conduit of Israel than through a thousand Rebbes.

    If these fools want to deny a homeland to the Jewish people because of some weird interpretation of an obsure Talmudic statement taht G-d made us swear not to reconquer Erets Yisrael. Let them back it up!

    Which prophet attested to this oath? If indeed, one did, why did Zerubabel ignore it? Nehemia? Ezra? Matityahu? Rabbi Akiba?

    We must boycott the businesses that support NK and co. We must avoid contributing money to Yeshivotand other organizations that oppose Medinat Yisrael.
    Uviarta Hara Mikirbecha!!

  33. contemporary

    While the Satmar Rav may have had a great love for all of K’lal Yisrael, his writings have become the Gospel for the NK and their ilk. His attributing the foundation of the modern Medinah to the “Sitra Achara” (which is actually a Zoroastrian concept, and is not Jewish at all), gave rise to the whole crazy notion of Jewish anti- Zionism. Many of us have gripes of a religious nature (from the right or from the left) of a political nature, or of any other nature. That is o.k.. We still accept the validity of the State. If I have a gripe about my wife’s cooking, she is still my wife. Medinat Yisrael was founded by Jews as a haven for all Jews. With all its faults, it’s still the best place for a Jew to live. It supports Torah (to some extent) provides kosher meals to its soldiery, protects Jews both within and without its borders, etc. Thousands of Diaspora Jews come to this haven to live, and to practice and learn about their religion. More Jews have returned to their religion via the conduit of Israel than through a thousand Rebbes.

    If these fools want to deny a homeland to the Jewish people because of some weird interpretation of an obsure Talmudic statement taht G-d made us swear not to reconquer Erets Yisrael. Let them back it up!

    Which prophet attested to this oath? If indeed, one did, why did Zerubabel ignore it? Nehemia? Ezra? Matityahu? Rabbi Akiba?

    We must boycott the businesses that support NK and co. We must avoid contributing money to Yeshivotand other organizations that oppose Medinat Yisrael.
    Uviarta Hara Mikirbecha!!

  34. Mussa

    Don’t you know that NK are Mossad agents that can and will go anywhere in the Moslem world to deliver all sorts of things?
    Ever hear of Elie Cohen? Mossad agent disguised as agent in Syria. New disguise: anti zionists

  35. Mussa

    Don’t you know that NK are Mossad agents that can and will go anywhere in the Moslem world to deliver all sorts of things?
    Ever hear of Elie Cohen? Mossad agent disguised as agent in Syria. New disguise: anti zionists

  36. Mussa

    oops I meant disguised as an Arab. Elie Cohen even delivered anti Israel speeches on Radio Syria

  37. David Bar-Magen

    I can’t help but notice that, in your frenzy to tie the NK loonies with haredism in general, you’ve neglected to mention how the Eda HaCharedit, possibly one of the most virulent anti-Zionist haredi organizations out there, have submitted an editorial for publication calling the NK a “small group of weirdos.”

    How about a new post about this, hm?

  38. David Bar-Magen

    I can’t help but notice that, in your frenzy to tie the NK loonies with haredism in general, you’ve neglected to mention how the Eda HaCharedit, possibly one of the most virulent anti-Zionist haredi organizations out there, have submitted an editorial for publication calling the NK a “small group of weirdos.”

    How about a new post about this, hm?

  39. Anna

    I heard rabbi Isroel-Dovid Waiss on NPR.
    He just said, he warned not to deny the Holocaust, but to deny “the religion of Holocaust”. “We don’t want to deny the killing of Jews , but Zionists have used the Holocaust… the Zionists’ lie about land without people engenders the doubt about Holocaust”.

  40. Yochanan Lavie

    Rabbi Friedman of NK, an Austrian member who went to Tehran said that the Holocaust existed, but that the numbers were distorted. Other NK-niks, even children of survivors, have said that “only” about 1.5 million were killed. (I read about this in the NY Times, but I forgot the exact “rabbi” who said this). You start by kowtowing to the enemy, you end up believing his lies. Is this the Stockholm Syndrome?

  41. Mussa

    NK are Mossad and CIA agents-great disguise!!
    Dumb Arabs and Moslems sucked in by a ruse from the Elders of Zion ha ha ha
    Pass it on

  42. Scam Alert

    that is friedman. hes a sad joke but scotty is evil.

  43. Scam Alert

    that is friedman. hes a sad joke but scotty is evil.

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