Rabbi Slifkin Live On Dennis Prager NOW

Rabbi Natan Slifkin is live on Dennis Prager’s radio show as I write this at 1:15 CDT.

You can listen (live streaming only – no archived content) on the web here.


Filed under Bans, Torah and Science

5 responses to “Rabbi Slifkin Live On Dennis Prager NOW

  1. Chaim

    Missed it, did he say anything interesting?

  2. He’s a weak radio presence. He said nothing much different than his books. He writes better than he speaks.

  3. Neo-Conservaguy

    He’s perhaps best in his native element – the zoo 😉 Seriously, a tour through the zoo with this rabbi should be a requirement for every Jewish day school student. His knowledge of Torah and animal science is stunning, as is his integration of the two.

  4. Franji

    i am curious how prager -who derives much of his parnasso from cheerleading chabad- handled this interview?

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